Covid-19 Improvements & Guidelines
Dear CMC Community,
The Cambridge Music Consortium (CMC) is now open. I am sharing with you the improvements that I have made to the space to maximize the safety, comfort, and confidence of the CMC community.
Some very extensive and positive changes have been made to make CMC lesson-ready. Also attached are the Covid-19 guidelines for using the space based on the MA Covid-19 control plan safety standards.
Upgrades to infrastructure at CMC include:
Each room now has an air purifier, which will continuously clean the air with carbon HEPA filters.
HVAC upgrades to air intake filtering.
HVAC upgraded with UVC antibacterial air purification system.
Furniture has been moved (and removed) to make social distancing easier.
Six-foot distancing markers in all rooms to make social distancing easier for you
and your students.
Physical barriers for vocal and wind instrument lessons.
Disinfectant spray (medical grade) is available in each room for disinfecting
before and after each lesson.
Paper towel dispensers are available in all rooms.
Touchless soap dispensers.
Touchless trash cans.
One-way entry and exit into and from CMC.
Signage throughout reminding of social distancing and handwashing.
Increased cleaning.
Additional music stands
All of us that make up the CMC community want CMC to come back to its thriving state in which we left it. It will take some time, but it will come back with a combination of ingenuity, safety measures, in person teaching, online teaching, cooperation, and patience. Our collective ability to pivot, show resilience, and be inventive and creative with new types of instruction at this time is a credit to everyone teaching and learning at CMC.
With best wishes,
Clayton Hoener
Studio Spaces, LLC
Guidelines for using CMC during Covid-19 (Updated 09/1/20)
Social Distancing
All persons entering CMC must wear face masks while on the CMC premises.
The exception being during the lessons of vocalists and wind players who will be separated from each other with a floor-to-ceiling barrier. Face masks are required at all other times.
The lobby area is closed for waiting. The two lobby chairs are for brief seating only if necessary.
Instructors will generally call, text, or email students to let them know when they may enter the space for their lesson after the instructor has sanitized the meeting room.
Entrance to the building will be through the front staircase. Exit from the building will be through the rear staircase.
The hallways will be two-way (to allow restroom use), so please take care to allow only one person to use the hallway at a time.
Signage is posted and must be followed.
Markers on the floor of all rooms indicate where people should be to maintain social distancing of six feet during lessons.
Hygiene Protocols
Masks are required for both teachers and students at all times, except for vocalists and wind players during their lessons.
Handwashing products and hand sanitizer are available throughout the space.
Instructors will require students to wash hands before and after lessons. Signage is present throughout reminding all persons to wash their hands before and after lessons.
Sanitizing spray and paper towels are available in all rooms and restrooms.
Instructors will sanitize their room before and after each lesson and are encouraged to help with sanitizing the waiting areas’ high touch areas, such as doorknobs, screens, light switches, faucets, handles, etc.
Restrooms will have signs instructing users to self-sanitize high touch areas after each use.
Instructions for no touch sanitizing are clearly displayed on the sanitizing spray bottles. If paper towels are used, discard them in the trash bin. Do not flush anything other than toilet paper down the toilet.
No sharing of instruments or supplies. Students will bring their own instrument and learning related supplies for use during their lesson (books, pencil, rosin, metronome, cleaning rag, etc.)
No eating in the waiting area. No eating in the meeting rooms when more than one person is present.
No one showing any symptoms of Covid-19 (cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, etc.) or any other sickness or active allergy symptoms such as runny nose, sore throat, or sneezing should be in the space. Anyone showing signs of illness will be asked to leave.
Staffing and Operations
CMC instructors will inform their students of the CMC Covid-19 guidelines and make sure that they are following them.
Instructors will remind students that for anyone showing signs of illness or symptoms listed above, lessons will take place online. This is also true for the instructors.
No one showing any symptoms of Covid-19 (cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, etc.) or any other sickness or active allergy symptoms such as runny nose, sore throat, or sneezing should be in the space.
Anyone showing signs of illness will be asked to leave.
CMC Co-Founders (Clayton Hoener, Lisa Lederer, and Shizue Sano) will regularly monitor the space and, as necessary, remind persons to comply with social distancing and hygiene protocols. Any person who does not follow the protocols will be asked to leave the premises.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Each room now contains an air purifier, which will continuously clean the air with carbon HEPA filtering.
HVAC now has MERV 13 filtration and a UVC light antibacterial air purification system.
Complete cleaning and sanitizing of the space will occur daily.
Frequent sanitizing of high touch areas in the rented space will occur throughout the day by anyone renting the space.
Checklist signs are posted in each meeting room:
Wear face masks.
Ask students if they have washed their hands.
Wipe down chairs, tables, doorknobs, etc, after each lesson.
(Anything touched by a teacher or student during the lesson). -
One person in the hallways at a time. Wait your turn.
Remind students to exit through the back staircase.
Protocols for Suspected Exposure or Confirmed COVID-19 Infection (based on MA DESE guidelines)
Our collective health relies on individual attention and responsibility. Students and teachers must monitor themselves daily for symptoms.
The single most important thing to do if any of the following symptoms are present is to STAY HOME. Note that some symptoms of COVID-19 are the same as the flu or a bad cold; do not assume that it is another condition. When in doubt, STAY HOME.
Please STAY HOME if you have any of the symptoms listed.
Below is the list of symptoms for which caregivers should daily monitor their children and teachers should daily monitor themselves:
Chills, and/or shaking chills
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Muscle aches or body aches
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Fatigue, when in combination with other symptoms
Nasal congestion or runny nose
If a student has COVID-like symptoms:
STAY HOME and if well enough, take your lessons online.
Notify the teacher and the teacher will then immediately notify Clayton Hoener.
If the student is or becomes ill during a lesson, they will be sent home. If waiting for parents or caregivers to get them, they will be removed to an empty room.
The teacher will notify any others in their studio that have come into close contact with the student.
We recommend that the student be tested for COVID-19.
Students may return to in-person lessons at CMC:
If they have been tested for COVID-19; After they have tested negative, have improvement in symptoms and have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
If they have not been tested for COVID-19; After 14 days from the start of symptoms as long as they are symptom-free and they have been fever-free for at least 3 days without the use of fever reducing medications.
If a teacher has COVID-like symptoms:
STAY HOME and if well enough, give your lessons online.
Notify your students, and then immediately notify Clayton Hoener.
The teacher will notify any others with whom they have come into close contact.
If the teacher becomes ill during a lesson, they will suspend the lesson or class and go home.
We recommend that the teacher be tested for COVID-19.
Teachers may return to in-person lessons at CMC:
If they have been tested for COVID-19; After they have tested negative, have improvement in symptoms and have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
If they have not been tested for COVID-19; After 14 days from the start of symptoms as long as they are symptom-free and they have been fever-free for at least 3 days without the use of fever reducing medications.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Any area of CMC visited by a COVID-19 positive individual will be closed off and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after the cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.
If a student or teacher has been exposed to COVID-19
Those who have had a “Covid-19 exposure” must quarantine for 14 days. STAY HOME and have your lessons online.
It is recommended that you contact your doctor and be tested for COVID-19.
A “Covid-19 exposure” includes, but is not limited to:
Having been within 6’ of a Covid-19 positive person for more than 15 minutes
Provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19
Had direct physical contact with someone who is sick with COVID-19 (hugged or kissed)
Being informed by the Department of Public Health thru contact tracing that you were exposed
A member of your household has tested positive